Activities of The Competence Centre

We connect the Slovak community and create baselines for assessment, education, and European projects in cyber security. Our activities include national coordination, training, conformity assessment, and cyber security expertise.

National coordination

  • A platform for public, private and academic cooperation

  • Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre

  • Supporting of science, research, and development in Cyber security and ICT

Conformity assessment

  • Audit of cyber security according to Act no. 69/2018 Coll. on Cybersecurity

  • Certification of individuals for the roles of auditor and cyber security manager
  • Certification of cyber security products, processes and services

  • Assessment of technical means according to Act no. 215/2004 Coll. on the protection of classified information

  • Measurements of unwanted electromagnetic radiation and zone measurements


  • Educational programs for cybersecurity managers and auditors

  • Raising cyber security awareness among the general public


  • Activities of expert witness organization according to Act no. 382/2004 Coll. about experts, interpreters, and translators

  • Consultation services in cyber security, and protection of classified information


The Competence Center’s services include a comprehensive professional portfolio of audits, advisory services, and certification of persons, Conformity assessment of objects in Cybersecurity according to valid certification schemes.